Wednesday, March 16, 2011

20110316 - It's been a long time, where are your tears?

Why do we cry?

Crying is an art, when to cry, how long it should last, how much to cry etc. Did not think crying is that complicated before.  My rule of thumb is to shed tears quietly when people around if I must cry, unless I trust the people or person I am with as if I were alone by myself. When I am by myself, I can let out all the emotions that triggers tear drops.

Crying is not a weakness, it is not completely negative as it deems, it is an rapid and/or explosive breathing exercise that bring out all the carbon-dioxide (or toxic feelings) from within.

Crying allows the intake of the oxygen.

We cry as soon as we come to this world. I remember when I was a little girl, I saw a clip from movie, as soon as the baby was delivered the mid-wife spanks the baby’s buttock until it cries. I ask the adult I was with why was that for, and I was told crying ensures the baby will breathe and spanking is most effective method. The scene from the movie was of course taken place hundreds years ago.

I used to think crying is being feeble, thus I rarely cry. Then I learned to cry the hard way, after a major event took place in my life - a very painful lesson to learn that it is okay to human. Knowing when to cry, how long it should last, how much to cry etc, it is indeed an art. Crying to the point of depression, that’s being brutal to ourselves (mind, soul and body). Remember, crying is only an rapid and/or explosive breathing exercise that cleans out all the carbon-dioxide (or toxic feelings) from within, and allows the intake of the oxygen (or positive energy) flow smoothly within.

If you are a human, then crying with compassion to yourself is a must.


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