Monday, March 28, 2011

20110328 - Do One Thing Every Day that Scares You.,0,4054576.column?page=1
This link was brought up couple nights ago. I remember the song but not remembering where I have heard it originally.

It was brought up again couple nights ago, because the words were like mirror reflecting many of our past, present, and “possible” future (if we haven't learned from the past and have not been mindful of the present.)

I had urge after yoga class this morning to do one thing that scares me. Go with my own feelings, be authentic.

I believe Yoga is a lifestyle and doesn’t have to be so complicated and wrapped up in philosophy. Most importantly is to do yoga in real life, not only on the mat. Smile, is the perfect example - yoga off the mat. I guess I understand why people make everything seem so hard to understand and so difficult to learn. However, the real happiness should be simple. Simplicity is hard. Especially when that means to walk down from the highest peak of one’s pyramid to follow the path through the desert finding the oasis.

I have gone to the point where I am not going to be bothered with people who cannot connect with me. There are billions of people in this world need to be inspired from the good, and they too can be just inspiring to others in return.

Face Book has column where point out “people who inspire you”. I wrote “everybody I see and meet”.  Did not work.  Then I tried “everybody” and still did not work. This is a message saying how narrow minded our society is accustomed to be. My entire class yesterday was inspired by a gecko that was nailed to the wall, of course, I would not have shared the story if it did not inspire me first.  (The story was also posted last night.)

Yes, it was A g-e-c-k-o, NOT a human.

Today’s quote to share:
“If we are mindful, the truth is near us; otherwise, the truth is distant.” - Jing Si Aphorisms

Remember, yoga is to unite oneself and the nature, therefore, the inspiration(s) is within the reach including one’s inner self.


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