Sunday, July 10, 2011

20110710 Waiting

For the longest time, I thought I have patience in waiting.

Then I've come to a conclusion that, not really. I wait for restaurant because I have finally gotten a parking spot, and I am not going to leave to find another one. I wait in line to check out my groceries at the cashier quietly thinking this line would be shorter than others; na, it always turns out to be the one has problem with register etc, of course the longest wait. I wait in traffic politely, because I am hoping I can merge in the line right after the car before me passes through. The expectations from waiting make the mind battling, in some cases heart aching.

So I have decided not to torture my soul anymore, either I don’t wait or wait without expectation. Like being on the mat during the practice, not waiting for what’s the next pose, but rather be present and enjoy the moment or the flow. - WHY

1 comment:

  1. 夏夜裡的晚風 吹拂著妳在我懷中 妳的秀髮蓬鬆 纏繞著我隨風擺動 月亮掛在星空 牽絆著妳訴情衷 有妳味道的風 就是我還在等待的愛 一個夏夜晚風的愛 一顆寂寞的心的愛 一個還在等待的愛 OS. 不知道怎麼搞的 最近老是做這個夢 可能是我癡情 或者是我太笨 總之 夢很美 妳也很美 只是 我還在等 燈火閃著餘波 隨著妳的呼吸移動 妳說妳想入夢 我的臂窩有妳的夢 將妳輕輕捧起 讓妳在我耳邊細語 夏夜的風有妳 就是我還在等待的愛 一個夏夜晚風的愛 一顆寂寞的心的愛 一個還在等待的愛



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